EVS volunteer Rocio from Spain talks about her project

This week I would like to talk a little more about my EVS.
EVS is a European Voluntary Service, which gave me possibility to stay for a longer time in another country. I had a chance to do it in a nursing home, any library, community center, or somewhere else … I had also opportunity to choose a country, city and town. Continue reading “EVS volunteer Rocio from Spain talks about her project”

Work camp in Tytuvėnai by EVS volunteer Simina Sirbu

Some say best ideas come up randomly, not on formal environments when you are fervently seeking for brilliant concepts, but more often from simple chit-chats, or in a tea break. Most of them are lost in the wind, but some notions do come to take life, and it feels genuinely good when that happens.
Continue reading “Work camp in Tytuvėnai by EVS volunteer Simina Sirbu”


A common adage claims that “Earth laughs through flowers”. Indeed, there was a lot of laughter at the third edition of “Fascination of Plants Day”, in Kaunas.
The aim of this article is to briefly present this event, to offer a more detailed perspective of the experience as a volunteer in Lithuania in the project “A Bridge across Nature”, and to shed some light regarding the particularities of the above mentioned project. Continue reading “Volunteering in Lithuania – A MEDIUM STORY AMONG TREES AND FLOWERS”